Calorie Tracker
On a diet or interested in tracking your daily caloric intake, look no further.
Our Calorie tracker will allow you to record your meals and has a database of suggestions for meals or snacks based on your dietary preferences and your goals.
We offer ability to input custom meals and view statistics and results of your progress.
We aim to help users manage their weight and improve their overall health and wellbeing by making it as easy as possible to monitor and track daily calorie intake.
Add Custom Meals
Home-made meals are the best kind of meals.
We offer the ability to add custom meals and it's as simple as 1,1,2,3.
Fill in the calories and other relevant imformation such as fibres, sugars, and fats and we will calculate the calories.
If the meal is one of your favourites! We offer the ability to save and favourite the meal so you don't need to input the information next time!
Meal Plan
Coming Soon!
Things don't always go to plan, look at our website for example, more spaghetti (code) than an Italian restaurant!
We offer the ability to a date and add your meals for that day.
Select meals from our database of recipes and meals or pick one of your homemade custom meals!
Statistics and results
Coming Soon!
We know you aren't a statistican, so we make viewing your progress and results as easy as possible.
Will you be able to fit into that size 8 dress? The numbers might lie but I absolutely will.
View your progress for the last day, week or month and get some tips or feedback on managing your daily caloric intake.
Thank you for trialing our site.
We are grateful that you took the time to try all the new features we have added.
Please click the link below to do a short questionnaire to help improve user experience and improve existing features.
How to use the Calorie Tracker
Welcome to Group 38's Calorie Tracker Application.
We are currently trialing two different custom meal input pages and would like to thank you for volunteering to test our application.

1. Click on Custom meal or Custom meal V2 to get started with the data entry.
2. Insert the meal information from the picture shown on the left. (You will be given a picture of the Nutrition label).
3. After completing both custom meal pages, please complete the questionnaire Here.(Not live yet)
All data collected will be confidential.
This includes time taken to fill in form and submit as well as the Questionnaire answers.
Thank you for helping us with your HCI project!
From Group 38.
Alex, Austen, Jonas and Leeroy.